March 11, 2023
Kewaskum High School
1510 Bilgo Lane
Kewaskum, WI 53040
10u, 12u, 14u
$175 per team
3 game guarantee
Games will be played under modified wiffle rules, listed at the bottom of this page.
Games will feature THE MONEYBALL - once per inning, one pitch, double the outcome of the result of that pitch.
Complete rules to follow once registered.
It’s a great team building event, and a blast!
For additional information or to register contact Chris Sabish:
Phone: 920-948-3449
Wisconsin Wiffleball Championship (WWC)
Indoor Wiffle Ball Tournament Rules
1. Equipment
All participants must wear athletic shoes. No boots, sandals, cleats, etc. will be allowed.
Only WIFFLE bats and balls provided by tournament hosts may be used.
Coaches will be provided warm up balls that they must return for use in the game.
Gloves may be used by players but are not required.
2. Starting and Ending Game
Teams need to be prepared to start up to 30 minutes before game time. Will start early when possible.
Better seed is home team during bracket.
Teams may play with 7 to 9 fielders, but one must be the catcher. An X will mark the
starting position of the defensive pitcher.A non-fielding pitcher will be provided by the tournament hosts and will serve as a field
umpire as well.An official game shall consist of a maximum of 7 innings with a 45 minute time limit
No new inning will begin after 45 minutes unless tied in bracket play - pool games may
end in a tie.At 45 minutes the current inning will be completed, home team will not bat if leading
Tie breaker in Bracket play after time has expired and inning has been completed:
Batter is next hitter in the order
Bases are loaded with 3 previous batters - there are 2 outs
Teams will play until one team is ahead at the end of the full inning
Tie breaker to determine seeding
Overall Record
Head to Head
Runs Allowed
Runs Scored
Coin Flip
There is no time limit in championship game
3. Batting
Teams must bat all players in a continuous order
Bunting, chopping, or half swings are illegal. If this occurs it will be a dead ball, batter is
out, runners may not advance.A batted ball which hits an obstruction (ceiling, basketball goal, etc) will be played as a
live ball and will be determined to be fair or foul based on where the ball contacted the
obstruction.A batted ball which hits the ceiling or other object can be played normally, and if caught
before hitting the ground, is considered an out“Out of Play” areas will be determined by umpires prior to start of game.
No walks or called balls and strikes. Batter is out after 3 swinging strikes or a foul ball with 2 strikes.
4. Base Running
There is no stealing of bases nor taking of any base on a passed ball or wild pitch.
A runner may leave a base only after the ball has BEEN CONTACTED BY THE BATTER.
For the safety of fielders and runners, no sliding is allowed. A runner who slides will be called out.
A fielder may not block the runner’s path to any base. If obstruction is determined by the umpire the runner will be awarded that base.
Malicious contact by a base runner with a fielder will result in an out and an automatic ejection.
If a throw goes out of play the base runners are awarded two bases from the release of the throw.
The act of an offensive player to imped or confuse a defensive player attempting to execute a play may be called interference. Contact is not required. When this occurs, the ball is ruled dead and runners return to the last base touched and the runner closest to scoring is called out.
5. Players/Substitutions
Free substitution of fileder is permitted among all players in the batting order. The batting order shall not be changed at any time except for the addition of a late player to the end of the order.
6. The “Baller/Shot Caller” Ball
The Baller/Shot Caller Ball may be introduced ONCE each inning by the head coach of each team
When the Baller/Shot Caller Ball is in play, it will double the outcome of that one pitch (re-pitched if not swung at)
If the batter swings and misses, she will be given 2 strikes for that pitch.
If the batter hits a foul ball, she will be given 2 strikes for that pitch.
If the batter gets a hit, she is awarded double the bases and all runners move up accordingly.
Any run driven in as a result of the Baller/Shot Caller pitch will count as two runs.
A ball caught in the air will count as 2 outs
If the batter is put out on base it is counted as 2 outs.